Rancang Bangun Mesin Penggiling Cabai Kapasitas 30 kg / Jam


  • Sutrisno STT Texmaco
  • Dini Oktavitasari STT Texmaco
  • Adang Saepudin Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Maman Sukirman STT Texmaco


Mesin penggiling, proses, bumbu, kuliner


A chili grinding machine is a machine used in the process of grinding various spices, namely chilies and other wet spices.
The spice grinding machine is a machine produced by Agrowindo which designs machines with the benefit of making the cooking process easier. There are many things you can do using a chili grinder machine, namely grinding chilies, garlic, shallots, turmeric, ginger, candlenuts and other wet spices.
The way a spice grinding machine works is by grinding various ingredients through grinding stones whose distance can be adjusted to produce a level of softness that is easy to adjust. Grindra stones have an important role in determining the desired spice texture, whether coarse or fine.
For culinary entrepreneurs, having a chili grinding machine will help make the cooking process easier and easier. Using this chili grinding machine is very suitable for culinary businesses such as food stalls, restaurants, cafes, hotels, catering and others. If you use a chili grinding machine, of course serving culinary dishes will be easier and easier. A spice grinding machine is the right investment machine in the culinary business.


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