Menurunkan Produk Defect Pada Assy 32100-K2V-N410-IN Dengan Menggunakan Metode SQC (Statistical Quality Control) Dan FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) Di PT XYZ


  • Sugengriadi Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Muhammad Luthfi Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


pengendalian kualitas, SQC, FMEA.


PT XYZ is one of the wiring harness companies (motorcycle cable body) in accordance with customer orders. Wiring harness is one part of a motor vehicle which is a circuit/wire circuit that functions as a distribution of electricity from one part to another. The purpose of this study is to determine the dominant defect, what factors cause defects, find out whether the defect data is under control or not, minimize defects by 15% with the SQC (Statistical Quality Control) Method and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis). SQC is a problem-solving technique by checking, controlling, supervising, analyzing, managing and improving products and processes using statistical methods (control maps), while FMEA is a method of analyzing errors that arise from the design process of a design work. The results of this study are the number of defects that often occur is strained wire with a total percentage of 28% and the dominant causes of strained wire defects are switched supply methods and minus materials with a total RPN of 336 and 253. After the improvement, the results obtained are a decrease in defects by 15% from the improvement defect data of 23%.


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