Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengupas Sabut Kelapa Dengan Menggunakan Penggerak Motor Listrik


  • Sutrisno Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Hary Witjahjo Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Mohamad Ma'ruf Khanan Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


Conventional Tool, Special Skills, Semi-Automatic Tool, Coconut Husk


Coconuts have many benefits, from young coconuts to mature coconuts, which are widely used for cooking ingredients, one of which is coconut milk. In Indonesia, coconut husk peeling still largely uses conventional tools that require special skills. This study aims to reduce failures in coconut husk peeling machines through proper design, material selection, and design procedures. The first experiment showed slippage on the 4th pulley, causing the coconut not to be peeled. The second experiment showed the pillow block shifted by 5 mm. The third experiment also experienced slippage on the shaft to the 4th pulley, causing the blade shaft not to rotate. In the fourth to sixth experiments, the blade only sliced a little husk. The machine uses a 1.5 HP electric motor, a pulley and belt transmission system, and a 1:20 reducer with a single rotating blade cylinder. Based on the test results, the machine was unable to peel the coconut husk due to problems with the transmission system and the blade.


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