Perbaikan Proses Produksi pada Komponen Grid dengan Metode Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC) dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Produk di PT. Schutz Container Systems Indonesia


  • R.M Sugengriadi Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Deni Ahmad Taufik Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Beni Lesmana Giawa Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


DMAIC, Quality, Fishbone, FMEA, Quality Improvement


The grid production results of PT. Schutz Container Systems Indonesia during the last 3 months showed that there were 1356 defective products. Research was carried out using the DMAIC approach to improve quality and reduce defect rates in the grid production process. The highest defects occurred in vertical tube drops with a percentage of 82% in October, November and December 2022. There are 4 factors that cause defects in vertical tube drops, namely machines, people, methods and materials. PT. Schutz Container Systems Indonesia is committed to maintaining product quality with zero defects through the DMAIC method. The Pareto diagram is used to identify the frequency of significant defects, while the fishbone diagram is used to determine the factors causing defects. Improvement steps are taken on machines, operators, methods and materials. At the control stage, machine maintenance checks and employee activities are implemented to ensure optimal grid product quality.


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