Perancangan Automatic Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) 3 Axis Berbasis Android Untuk Tempat Penyimpanan Komponen Di Laboratorium STT Texmaco


  • Lilik Hari Santoso Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Budi Sunarto Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Reynanda Rahmawati Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


Automatic storage and retrieval system (ASRS), Android, Motor stepper, Arduino, Bluetooth


Automatic storage and retrieval system (ASRS) is an innovative solution developed to optimize component management. This research aims to design and implement android-based 3 axis ASRS in STT Texmaco Subang laboratory. This system uses stepper motor to control three axes, android application connected through bluetooth allows users to set the position of storage and retrieval of components precisely and efficiently. The x-axis in this system is controlled using a stepper motor connected to a pulley and timing belt. The movement on the X axis is calculated based on the number of steps per motor rotation, microstepping settings, the number of pulley teeth, timing belt pitch, and pulley diameter. The x-axis has a maximum movement limit of 420 mm, for the y- and z-axes using a stepper motor with a screw or lead screw as a driving mechanism with a y-axis movement limit of 210 mm and a z-axis of 70 mm. The test method includes testing the movement of the stepper motor for position and speed. The test results show that this ASRS is able to operate the retrieval and storage of components with accuracy in accordance with the instructions that have been determined so that the implementation of this ASRS is expected to improve the efficiency of inventory management in the STT Texmaco Subang laboratory.


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