Support Capacity Improvement by Modifying Control System of Moisture Chamber Machine for Laboratorium Test


  • Lilik Hari Santoso Texmaco College of Technology
  • Achmad Anwari Texmaco College of Technology
  • Didin S Texmaco College of Technology
  • Zulhamdi Texmaco College of Technology


Chamber, Moisture, PLC Siemens S7-300, Temperature, Sensor ALIA ARH950


The chamber machine is designed for temperature and humidity testing using the ALIA ARH950 sensor. This study made improvements using PLC Siemens S7-300 with input data obtained from the ALIA ARH950 sensor, which
detects temperature and humidity, with an output relay that will activate the heater, blower, and air conditioner. The test result shows that this system works well under the designed temperature and humidity system. Suppose there
is a change in the temperature and humidity in the chamber machine. In that case, the PLC Siemens S7-300 will activate the heater, blower, and air conditioner to produce the humidity value according to the set point. Then the result will display the historical data graph and actual value of the machine work on the Human Interface Machine (HMI) computer to monitor the process of achieving the humidity value.


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