Perancangan Pompa Air Tenaga Kincir Angin


  • Sutrisno STT Texmaco
  • Adang Saepudin Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Hary Witjahjo STT Texmaco
  • Burhan STT texmaco


Wind powered water pump


The use of wind today as an energy source has been used since hundreds of years ago. The use of wind as an energy source has begun to be looked at and developed. One alternative energy is the utilization of wind, which can be applied to various needs, used to lift air using a pump.

Based on the formulation of the problem, it is determined how to design a windmill


water pump using a piston pump. The manufacture of this piston pump tool starts from the design concept process, manufacture of each component, tool assembly, tool testing and the last is the result of tool testing.

The test results from the design of the pump with a windmill drive by utilizing the wind speed in the Lebo area, the pump is able to produce the highest discharge of

3.1 liters. The power generated by the pump is 141 Watt with a total pump head height of 0.424 m which has been calculated from the existing losses. For a pump

efficiency of 90% with a head of 40 cm.


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