Rancang Bangun Mekanisme Speed Hump Berbasis Generator


  • Sutrisno STT Texmaco
  • Hary Witjahjo STT Texmaco
  • Andriyan STT Texmaco


Renewable energy, Konversi energi, flywheel, speed Humps, Pemanen


Electricity is a very important requirement for human life. electricity supply in Indonesia will be threatened. Therefore, an alternative solution is needed to overcome the electricity supply problem. In this case, harvesting energy is one of the right solutions to overcome the current depletion of energy sources. Harvesting energy is one of the right solutions to overcome the current depletion of energy sources. This kinetic energy harvester will later be assembled into an interconnected component, namely by assembling it into a generator-based Speed Humps system. Speed Humps utilizes the oscillatory motion of a spring (mechanical movement of up and down springs) which is converted into rotary motion assisted by a connecting shaft which is passed on to the flywheel as a rotation store before being connected to a generator which functions as a converter of mechanical energy into electrical potential energy. The power generated by Speed Humps is in the form of DC voltage


which is then converted to AC current as a street light lighting system. Speed Humps themselves can produce electrical energy by providing loads, both for motorized vehicles and pedestrians.


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