Sistem Informasi Administrasi Pembayaran SPP MA Nihayatul Amal


  • Muhammad Nasir Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Indri Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


System, Payment, spp, Website, Waterfall, MA Nihayatul Amal


SPP (Education Development Contribution) is an educational fee charged to students to ensure the teaching and learning process runs smoothly. Currently at MA Nihayatul Amal Rawamerta in the financial administration section, one of the tasks is processing SPP payment data, where the SPP data processing process still uses handwriting and is recorded in books or paper. Based on the results of observations, MA Nihayatul Amal faces problems, namely in the financial data processing process where there are still weaknesses and shortcomings in manual recording and reporting. So there is a need for a tuition payment information system. The information system research carried out was by changing the method of paying MA Nihayatul Amal tuition fees by utilizing internet technology, namely using a website. The conclusion from this final project report is that with this system, it is hoped that it will make it easier to make SPP payment transactions so that they can be well controlled, and reports can be made easily and quickly.


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