Rancang Bangun Alat Uji Tarik Sederhana Menggunakan Dongkrak


  • Hary Witjahjo Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Sutrisno Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Zakaria Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


practical, tenshile strength, hydrolik, stress-strain


Practicum is one of the learning methods that is very useful for developing students' ability to apply theoretical knowledge by implementing this knowledge in the campus laboratory. One of the technologies that can be used in practice is tensile testing equipment. Because this test is one of the simple tests and a lot of data can be taken from this test, including mechanical properties (strength, hardness, stiffness). Tensile testing is an important part of knowing one of the mechanical properties of the material, in tensile testing a test curve can be produced which contains the stress and tension of the material when the specimen is clamped and given a tensile force. Literature study, determining the concept, preparation of tools and materials, making tools and test materials jack with a cylinder diameter of 60 mm and a piston diameter of 28 mm is able to pull a specimen 2 mm thick and 12 mm wide with a pressure of 10,686 N/mm with a stress value of 985.12 N/mm and a strain of 0.1 mm/mm. The results of the design of this tensile test tool are suitable for practicum activities. With a simple shape and tool that makes this tensile test tool very easy to use


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