Modifikasi Mesin Press Kaleng Bekas dengan Kapasitas Motor Listrik 20 Kaleng Permenit


  • Sutrisno Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Hary Witjahjo Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Rifki Agung Gumelar Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


Modification Of The Used Drink Can Press Machine, The Eletrik Motor Drive System Increases Productivity


This research aims to overcome the problem of used aluminum can waste which disrupts environmental cleanliness by designing and developing a can pressing machine. This machine was modified to increase its performance efficiency, so that the crankshaft can transfer more power, It possible to press used 330 ml cans with a height of 125 mm to 30 mm in one rotation of the electric motor. The working principle of this tool involves an electric motor as the main driver, supported by a reducer gear box to increase rotational power, as well as a disc to transmit it to the crank rod. The modifications made include increasing the motor's torque from 1 hp 2800 rpm to 1.5 hp 1400 rpm and adding a gearbox with a ratio of 1:20. The aim of this rese arch is to design and develop a press for used aluminum cans that can produce presses with a height of 30 m and to calculate motor power and torque to ensure the operational efficiency of the tool. The expected benefits of this research are increasing the productivity of can waste processing, innovation in the development of pressing machines in the future, and becoming a reference for future researchers in the manufacturing sector.


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