Rancang Bangun Alat Pengering Cabai Merah Menggunakan Sistem Rotary Dryer Berbasis Mikrokontroler


  • Sutrisno Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Achmad Anwari Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Muhammad Syaefullah Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


Heat Elemen, Blower, DC Motor, DHT11


Currently, many farmeres and sellers of red chilies still use red chilies by drying the red chilies in the sun for quite a long time, because drying in the sun at less than stable temperatures can reduce the content of the red chilies. Red chilies have a water content of approximately 80% - 90%. By drying red chilies until the content 11%. With the aim of minimizing losses i rad chilies which have the characteristic that fresh red chilies last up to 2 – 5 days in the open air. In designing the drying of artificial red chilies, a heater and blower are used as heating and cooling in a rotary dryer system to flatten the red chilies using a DC motor. By maintaining a temperature of 50°C to maintain  the content of red chilies. Driying red chilies by regulating the temperature using DHT11 as a temperature sensor to maintain the temperature in the cylindrical drum. As well as a 16x2 LCD as a display of temperature conditions on the cylindrical drum. Drying red chilies with a water content of 85% to 13% takes 7 hours of drying with a forced convection heat transfer rate Q = 855,953 W. With the electric power consumption of the red chili rotary dryer, the chili dryer reaches 404 watts per drying hour. With the price of KWH for electricity reaching Rp 3,823 with a capacity of 500 grams of red chili in one drying time.


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