Rancang Bangun Alat Pemanas Bearing untuk Perawatan Mesin Industri


  • Sutrisno Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Achmad Anwari Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Mochamad Agus Pramudia Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


Industrial Machinery, Bearing Heater and Disc Heater.


Bearings are the most important part of the drive motor to support the medium-sized industrial sector, bearings are also needed in large-scale industrial machines, it's just that the use of bearings is more quickly damaged, so the replacement of bearings is increasingly scheduled. But in practice, bearing replacement still has to be done manually, namely by hitting with a hammer so that it can enter the shaft. For this reason, this research designs a bearing heating device for industrial machine maintenance with an electric current heating system that is channeled into heat energy. The results of this test show that the performance of this tool has a relatively short heating time (less than 4 minutes) this shows the performance of the tool can run optimally so that the tool is very effectively used in the process of replacing bearings for industrial environments and can reduce downtime that is too long. This tool also shows consistency in expansion, but heating characteristics vary based on bearing size. Where the first test results on Bearing size 6211 inner diameter of 55.0 mm was able to expand up to 0.20 mm at a set point temperature of 120 ℃ and at a set point temperature of 110 ℃ expanded by 0.15 mm.


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