Perancangan Alat Penghitung Produk Secara Otomatis Berbasis Arduino


  • Hary Witjahjo Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Deni Ahmad Taufik Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Fikri Firdaus Setyo Utomo Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


Proximiti Infrared Sensor, Conveyor, LCD 16x2, Arduino, DC Motor


Conveyor is a mechanical system that has the function of moving goods from one place to another. The presence of technology in the industrial world is something that is needed by every company because it can facilitate the production process. Along with the development of technology and information, it is very rapid and becomes a necessity for everyone in doing a job, namely by utilizing artificial intelligence. To make new innovations in creating tools that make work easier. One of them is a conveyor that can be controlled automatically, both for sorting and moving goods. One of them is the use of microcontroller-based automatic systems. The required device is NodeMCU ESP8266 as a microcontroller. And another device that is needed is the E18-D80NK Infrared proximity sensor as an item detector. And where in its development will be able to produce industrial automatic systems So as to facilitate the work process of production operators and increase work effectiveness. The activity of counting goods still uses manual methods as long as the company runs various types of helmets that help consumer needs in the process of making helmets. Of the many goods that enter and exit, there are often inaccuracies during the process of counting goods because it is still done manually. Therefore the author plans to implement a pre-designed automated system using Arduino-based microcontrollers.


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