Aplikasi Presensi Digital untuk Mewujudkan Transparansi Kehadiran Siswa kepada Orang Tua Berbasis Web


  • Aang Samsudin Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Mita Nurjanah Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


application, presence, Prototype, UML


Education in Vocational High Schools (SMK) focuses on vocational education and preparing students to enter the workforce. Sometimes, there are students with poor personalities who can influence other students. The use of quantitative research methods in a web-based student attendance information system is very appropriate because it allows for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of student attendance data in a numerical and measurable manner. This method helps in efficiently processing data, monitoring, and recording student attendance with higher accuracy. The analysis results are visualized and documented with UML through various diagrams. The researcher analyzes the student attendance system with the aim of monitoring and recording student attendance efficiently. This includes the goal of improving record accuracy, allowing parents to monitor students, and providing accurate information to the administrative staff. Therefore, the researcher proposes the creation of a web-based attendance application that can be easily accessed by all users, including students, teachers, and administrative staff, to facilitate the use of attendance at SMK Panca Karya Sentul.


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