Usulan Perbaikan Tata Letak Gudang Pada Proses Produksi Wiring Harness Dengan Metode 5S Dan Estimasi Waktu Proses Dibagian Gudang Di Teaching Factory STT Texmaco Subang


  • R.M Sugengriadi
  • Santo Wibowo Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Kania Ayu Lestari Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


Layout, Warehouse, Time Estimate


Increased economic competition in Indonesia is growing and requires corporate strategies and economic factors that are increasingly improving in society accompanied by activities or activities outside the home. So, that requires good operational management, one of which is the design on the layout. (layout). Therefore, this study aims to find out the estimated time on the layout of the warehouse as well as to calculate the course of the process of warehouse to the production area. The method used is the 5s method, using the type of qualitative descriptive. The results of this research that is by using the method 5s in the area of production makes the production area better, comfortable, and cleaner. As well as the time it takes for the warehouse to reach the production area is shortened from eight minutes to four minutes and the range from 200 meters to 92 meters.


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