Analisis Beban Kerja pada Housing Line 5 dengan Menggunakan Metode Work Load Analysis (WLA) pada Assy 32100 – K2v – N410 di Teaching Factory Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


  • R.M Sugengriadi Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Muhammad Mirfak Arfan Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco
  • Hani Krisnayanti Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Texmaco


Workload, Productive time, Work and Idle, Wiring Harness, Work Analysis (WLA)


The method used in this research is Work Load Analysis which is a description of the workload required in an organization in a company. This method can provide information regarding the allocation of employee resources in completing their workload. PT. Piranti Teknik Indonesia is one of the companies engaged in producing wiring harnesses, where the focus of this research is the housing process. This research was conducted because there was an imbalance in workload between work stations. This research aims to analyze the workload of each section to determine the optimum number of operators. In the results of the work and idle observations above, it can be seen the percentage of the operator's productive time (work), idle time (idle), and how much allowance is given to each operator. The results of data processing show that the average percentage of productive time is 70%, while for Housing 3 the percentage of productive time is 64%, where this figure is below the average productive time due to the buildup in Housing 3, so from the data above it is necessary to add 1 operator for Housing 3 so that productive time is balanced with other operators, so that the production process from Hosing 1 to Housing 5 runs smoothly with a balanced workload. The advice given is the importance of companies paying attention to production operators and also paying attention to the workload of production operators so that productive time is more balanced with other operators. So that it can increase the smoothness of the production process on Housing line 5 and achieve optimal performance.


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